

feat. Fefe Dobson

8 Days Till My Bday
10:35 p.m. * Thursday, Nov. 13, 2003

hey, well... lots has heppened in the last few days... unfortunately I dont feel like doing anything other than giving youthe short version

1. i quit my job at Canes

2. Eric and I are back together... sorta.... technically we never were, but we never werent... but we stopped talking for a week or so... and now we are again... and hell its just weird... but I love him!

3. I pretty much gave up on making Brian a friend.... he never calls me, or even gets online... but if he ever decides to call then yes we can chill... but i mean, hell... i cant call him! i dont even have his #!!

4. my burn turned into a really dark for me tan... which now itches like hell

5. mr. bob hired a 3rd girl at tan 2000... she's cool... she's still in high school... her name is Angele

6. I chopped all of my hair off... damnnear literally

7. i actually mailed off a letter to Eric... (i'm so proud!)

8. Its getting a tid but nipply down here in southern LA.... its kinda nice.... mid November and its JUST NOW getting chilly

and well... i think thats the majority of what has all happened.... OH YEA!! I forgot!! I now have a new website... Its still under construction.... but I'd like everyone to check it out and send me some feedback on it.... and participate in my faerie pickings once i get that going... they layout is a temporary one until i find a fae i like...
