

feat. Fefe Dobson

otters stealing babies... cracker jack attack... jeopardy?!!
where does this madness end?!

2:00 p.m. * Tuesday, Sept. 16, 2003

Current mood: relaxed... mostly

Current music: the theme song to Thats my Baby

Current attire: jeans and a tank... hair is messy

Sea otters snaching babies... what a story! LOL... thats what's on tv... Homer the sea otter... poor girl, I've seen this one at least twice and her baby is still born... aww

remember those Cracker Jack boxes? the ones that turned into bags once the 1990'a hit... The boxes that had everything from jewelry to fake id's in them? well... they're baaack... sorta... the boxes are back... the prizes... SUCK! My mom found the cracker jack boxes at wal mart the other day... we got 6 boxes... so far all we have gotten out of them are stupid little pictures and corny jokes.... what a rip! put the jewelry back in it! games! fake ids! lol... something! you just cant have cracker jack boxes without cool prizes! it just cant happen! my corrent prize: Can you guess Jacks two fav foods? (fold the little picture... it makes a peanut and a bag of popcorn... DUUH)and (dum dum dum! bonus joke) what do you say to a skunk in a courtroom? odor in the court! geez people! what kinda idiots took over the company?!?!

on a radically different note... i went visit Kent in Lafayette yesturday... got lost when i first got there... no clue how i managed it... thats ok... he redirected me and i found it! lol... he lives outside of Lafayette actually... sorry Kent, but you live in BFE! lol.. its ok tho... his lil sis is adorable... and so are the like 10 animals that wander around over there.. lol.. we didnt do anything too terribly exciting, but it was fun... i enjoyed myself... (and FYI... he's a good kisser too :-D) I almost didnt wanna leave... he walked me out almost to my car and was like "BYE!" and ran off with his flashlight.... i was like "uugh! fine then! dont give me a hug!" oh well I'll get over it... *theme song to Jeopardy plays*... Ok... I'm over it now!
