

feat. Fefe Dobson

sick bastard!
4:35 p.m. * Wednesday, Sept. 03, 2003

Curret mood: I'm ok

Current music: MTV2 - current song on = Bow wow nice to meet ya

Current attire: a red shirt and white pj pants with monkeys on em

ok you guys, get this crap! some people need help! like this guy i was talking to last night. a girl getting raped is hot?!!! uh... no! I really dont know why i didnt just block him... anyway, this asshole was getting off on the time i was almost raped! how in the hell is it hot for something that degrading to happen?! its not... i'm sorry... when someone is really raped, its so anything but hot... anyways, read the convo... he's sick! (yea of course I'm superrbugg)

jknefelkamp24: have u ever been cuffed or tied up?
superrbugg: no and i'm not up for it.... i hyperventilate with i'm restrained......
jknefelkamp24: have u ever passed out and had a guy do u
superrbugg: no and if a guy ever did me while i was passed out i'd prolly kill him
jknefelkamp24: u never been forced or raped?
superrbugg: why is it a good thing to be forced and raped
jknefelkamp24: kinda! its hot
jknefelkamp24: have u ?
superrbugg: its not a good thing... maybe for a guy... not a girl....
superrbugg: and yea i have
superrbugg: and he;s lucky i didnt call the cops on him
jknefelkamp24: where u drunk?
superrbugg: no
superrbugg: just overpowered
jknefelkamp24: how did it happen?
superrbugg: i'm a little bitty thing
superrbugg: well.. i went on a date with a guy from school my senior year... and afterwards we were fooling around... and he just kinda pinned me
jknefelkamp24: on his bed?
superrbugg: no
jknefelkamp24: where at ?
superrbugg: why?
jknefelkamp24: im very interested
superrbugg: why?
jknefelkamp24: did it hurt?
superrbugg: um... yea.... considering he's hung pretty well, and i was a virgin.....
jknefelkamp24: damn! did u cry?
superrbugg: i dont cry
jknefelkamp24: did he cum in u
superrbugg: no
superrbugg: but he came all over me
superrbugg: especially my face....
jknefelkamp24: wow
jknefelkamp24: where u worried he was gonna
superrbugg: no
superrbugg: i was more worried about getting him off of me
superrbugg: now please stop asking me questions about it
jknefelkamp24: 1 more ok
jknefelkamp24: after he cam did he put it back in
superrbugg: WHY THE HELL DO YOU CARE?! are you invisioning me getting raped?
superrbugg: no he didnt....he never made it all the way in even..... thats how hard down i was trying to clinch myself
jknefelkamp24: did u keep say no
superrbugg: i was screaming it and pushing him away as hard as i could... now please stop asking
jknefelkamp24: what was ur 1st thought when he got on top of u
superrbugg: stop asking me
jknefelkamp24: can i ask 1 more question
superrbugg: no you cant.... and if you do i probablu wont answer... because i've asked you several times to please stop asking me... its not something i like to talk about
jknefelkamp24: sorry
jknefelkamp24: i just think thats hot
superrbugg: its not hot
superrbugg: someone stealing a helpless girls dignity and confidence is not hot
superrbugg: like i said... i'm not a big person... i'm like 5' tall
superrbugg: and i'm only like 115-120 lbs.....
jknefelkamp24: damn i bet u r hot
superrbugg: to give you an idea.... i can wear kids shoes... and i have to buy kiddie socks because adult ones dont fit me....
superrbugg: someone told me once that i have baby hands....
jknefelkamp24: damn lol
superrbugg: and i'm referred to as "the midget" to people at work
superrbugg: throw some one who's like 6' tall and probably a good 170 lbs... whos all buffed up on top of me and see where i can go.... nowhere.... i cant even put up a fight... i pushed with all of my might and didnt budge him
jknefelkamp24: did he just push it in or did he take his time
superrbugg: he tried to just push... and he didnt give up until it finally started hurting him
superrbugg: NOW STOP ASKING
superrbugg: damn.... you just keep slipping them in there
jknefelkamp24: lol
jknefelkamp24: my bad
jknefelkamp24: i bet u r so small u r worried about that with all guys huh
superrbugg: no
jknefelkamp24: is that the only time that has happened?
superrbugg: yes
jknefelkamp24: do u still c or talk to him
superrbugg: yea... we;re still friends... he was just kinda zoned out.. i really dont think he realozed what he was doing....
superrbugg: but i tell ya... i'll never be near him alone again
jknefelkamp24: at least he didnt cum in u
superrbugg: ok ok ok.. shuush about it
superrbugg: for the millionth time.. please
jknefelkamp24: im not askin anything
superrbugg: youre talking about it tho
jknefelkamp24: what about the 2nd time u had sex was it better?
superrbugg: i dont wanna talk about having sex
jknefelkamp24: y not
jknefelkamp24: its cool to talk about
superrbugg: because
superrbugg: no it isnt
jknefelkamp24: u dont like sex
jknefelkamp24: or u dont like sex with guys?
superrbugg: shuuut up about it
jknefelkamp24: lol
jknefelkamp24: u pick a subject
jknefelkamp24: lets talk about me meetin u
superrbugg: u aint gonna
jknefelkamp24: y not
superrbugg: cause you not....
superrbugg: i'm going to bed.. .ttyl
