

feat. Fefe Dobson

work work work
9:22 p.m. * 2003-08-05

Current mood: contented

Current music: Live

Current attire: work clothes... as usual

well, today started off as it usually does... up at 10, bring brother to aunts by 11... then work... fun stuff... I have been a little overwhelmed at work the past few days... so many people, so much to do, so many orders, so little time... run run run... take an order as quickly as possible, grab the order in the window, run it to the person who ordered it... speint back... repeat the same 6-7-8 times... run out of trays... mountains of dishes.... quickly was as many trays as possible before getting called to deliver more orders... run out front, wet trays in hand... deliver order, run back, dry off a tray... deliver another order, dray another tray.. over and over... take a few orders in between when Jason gets a long line.... run out of ice.... run to the ice machine.... 2 buckets of ice.... put ice in bins.... run to put them back... 3 more orders are up... deliver orders... self serve is empty... hurry and restock.... grab dirty trays from atop the trash cans... run them to the back... more orders... dry a few more trays.... garbage is full.... empty it as quickly as possible.... booths! clean tables that are empty after people leave.... the door is nasty.... grab glass cleaner... clean the door... more orders... finally it calms down in the lobby for a few minutes... now those moutains of dishes.... spend the next hour washing many many MANY dishes... then... finally a break... and then after my break at 4 I started getting really bad headaches... they didnt ease of until 8:30... they got so bad I thought for sure a few times I would have to run to the bathroom to puke... I wanted to curl up in a ball and cry... I was miserable...

during all of my mysery an old friend stopped in at work... Jim... I miss him... he's great... he liked me throughout high school... I kinda always liked him too... but I was never completely sure... probably because I was a chicken squabbled little girl and my friends didnt really care for him so I just never gave into it... I cant change any of that now tho... But if I ever got another chance... yea I think I'd date him... as long as he isnt hung up on anyone else... or as long as I am not hung up on anyone... which I am not... LOL I know that... but thats just now...

anyhoot.. gotsta go.... buh bye... Love you babes
