

feat. Fefe Dobson

um... all kindsa junk
11:21 a.m. * 2003-06-18

Current mood: indifferent

Current music: the sound of Emergency Vets on the tv and my sneezing

Current attire: jeans, my ring day 2001 t-shirt and tennisshoes with my hair in a messy ponytail

I like trying to make my entries kinda long LOL... I dunno why... but this one may not really be too long... mainly because I am tired and like i said about my mood... I'm a tid indifferent at the moment... I'm really glad I havent been too upset the past few days... I have a tendancy to get depressesed and hurt easily... I kinda hate that about myself.... It's really annoying... but seriously can you blame me?! I have another tendancy tho to not let on to many people that I am upset.... Unless I'm really REALLY upset, only the people who know me best can really tell...

grr.... do you ever get those 'messenger service' things pop up on your computer... like, not a normal popup ad... its a little grey screen that pops up and wont go away until you click the ok button... the part that annoys me most about them tho is that they all come in pairs or triplets and most of them are from people trying to sell you the software to block them.... tell me how retarted that is!!! grrr... and OW! I just hit my shin!! waahhh!!! I hate it when i hit my shin... I have nothin but scar tissue on it and I always hit it and it hurts like 10 times worse than hitting my shin that has meat on it...

I am like really weak today for some reason... I really dunno why... damn I am praying I am not pregnant... that would so suck... I'm praying that its my rag coming soon thats making me feel like i have been feeling.... cause it does kinda resemble what i feel sometimes before i start... but its a lil different this time so that is what is worrying me... I'm still not due till this week or next so I'm not giving up hope yet!

oh yea and I gotta talk somemore about JohnT LOL... cause i told him last night that i talk about him every once in a while in here and he demanded i let him see... LOL i made him curious... so... just for if he comes and looks... I wanna say (jokingly of course) Luv ya JohnT! LOL ;-)

