

feat. Fefe Dobson

much stuff
1:32 p.m. * 2003-08-18

Current mood: aiighht

Current music: horsies on tv!

Current attire: ok now dont laugh... orange shirt and shorts with lil froggies on em!

yea i know... its been a while since i've updated... i havent been on the internet all that much... and when i have been i've just checked my email and played my Vamp game. yea... plenty has happened since the last time i updated...

well lets see what all has happened... went to a bbq at my friends' apartment... it was great fun lol... they made me feel all loved...hehe... i've always kinda thought that people dont miss me at all... but I learned otherwise that night. oh yea and then Devin spilled his beer all over me lol... that was funny... he actually almost did it again later... and Daniel gave me his number... i dont think i am gonna call him tho... i think he was prolly just drunk and horny lol... I didnt realize Evan missed me that much either lol.. but i got like 2 hugs and even a kiss on the cheek when I was leaving... I wonder if he even remembers that LOL... it was cool tho... I've kinda always had the idea in the back of my head that maybe he doesnt really like me all that much anymore... since I kinda stood him up last minute for homecoming when we were in 10th grade... I really wish I hadnt done that... but hey... wwway to late for that now...

ok lets see what else has happened... the other day at work.. this was quite funny... Meredith went to squat down (why I have no clue) but when she did it she lost her footing and fell flat on her ass! lol work has been insane lately.... Jason hired like 4 new people... only one of which I have met.... well we didnt really meet.. he was getting off while i was coming in... his name is Seth... its been fun tho... oh yea and I went bowling the day of the bbq with Todd and his gf and friend.... now his friend keeps calling me... damnit boy... I dont wanna date you! I dont want you to even think I might!! I only went cause Todd asked me too... Todd's my buddy...

my sister finally clocked her last hours at Lockworks.... she's actually graduating tonight... I'm so proud! lol all she has to do now is take her state test to get her lisense... we threw her a surprise party saturday at my cousins house... but at the party... my lil baby cousin Gabe (he's like a year and a half old... he's precious... he's a big boy tho... curly red hair too!) he was playing with the other kids and started poking sticks into holes in the ground... and poor baby... a whole swarm of yellow jackets flew out and attacked him... the baby looks like he has chicken pox... thats how many stings he has... all over him whole body... I wanted to cry so bad... but I didnt... but thankfully he was ok... just in pain... he's not allergic like his brother and his size helped save him too... after they brought him to the afterhours clinic and gave him a bath.. he was ready ta go again... he was back playing with the kids and jumping around... I'm so glad he's such a tough lil boy!

oh and i managed to figure out my school and florida stuff... i'm not going back to school... what I am gonna do is take independant studies courses... i get paid friday so thats when I am signing up for my first... each class is like $211 plus the cost of books... so as i get the money and finish previous classes I can take another.... $300 every like 6 months or so isnt gonna hurt me as much as actually enrolling and not being able to even start saving until the end of the semester because all of my money will go towards payments for school. I only owe like another $200 on my phone... so 2 paychecks from now I'll be able to start saving everything i can!!! I'm so excited! I should have just that much more money to fall back on when I finally get to Florida!! WHOOT WHOOT!!
