

feat. Fefe Dobson

a survey I decided to do...
11:39 a.m. * Sunday, Oct. 19, 2003


1. Starting time: 11:39am
2. Name: Rachel
3. Nicknames: Rach, Chelly, Alexia
4. School: I went to NSU for a year, but I;m taking a break
5. Eyes: Brown and Green
6. Height: 5'
7. Siblings: 1 sis and 1 bro
8. Sex Before Marriage? if you woulda asked me that a year ago I would have said no... I still say you shouldnt... I wish I hadnt
9. Been so drunk you threw up: no
10. Been so drunk you blacked out? no
11. Ever helped somebody else cheat? what?! seriously he told me he was single! I swear! I would have never!
12. Missed school b/c it was raining: probably... I know i did at NSU.... I had to walk to class... pppsssh yea like I'm gonna go walk for 5-10 minutes in the rain! ok so I did it several times... but it was usually because it started raining while i was already out of my room
13. Set any body part on fire for amusement: no
14. Kept a secret from everyone: yes, who hasnt?
15. Had an imaginary friend? hehe.... nooo not meee...
16. Wanted to hook up with a friend: yea... several times.... isnt it weird how you always end up with crushes on your friends.... and dont say you havent! You know you have
17. Cried during a Flick: ye... err... I mean no... AHH... YOU'LL HAVE TO BEAT IT OUTTA ME
18. Had a crush on a teacher: nope... altho one of my college professors had a crush on a guy who I'm really good friends with... and the prof hated me cause i was always with my friend LOL horrible i do say
19. Ever thought an animated character was hot: ... I can actually remember thinking "hey if that dude was a real person, or if I was a cartoon... I'd do him" LOL
20. Ever at anytime owned a New Kids on the Block tape: long ago (product child of the 80s LOL)


21. Shampoo: Dove...
22. Body wash: Dove... DOVE everything! man thst stuff is great!
23. Colors: purple, black, yellow and orange
24. Backstreet or N*sync: UUGH *puke*
25. Favorite drink? Dr Pepper and Mountain Dew
26. Day/Night: night
27. Summer/Winter: summer
28. Lace or satin: oooh... satin.... feels pretty :)
29. Union or Confederate: HAHA.... well the Union won... but if the Confederacy had won... I would be sayin Confederate... (Product child of the south also)
30. known longest of your friends: um.... well... Probably Rachel M... out of the ones I actually still talk to anyway
31. Who's the loudest: ohh geez.... a couple of gals I work with... I dunno Rach M is pretty loud also
32. Who's the shyest: oddly enough probably me
33. Who do you go to for advice: it really depends on what I need advice on... I go to Betsy a lot...
34. Who're you talking to right now? nobody actually
35. Who do you get the most surveys from? once upon a time when people used to send these... probabaly either Chauntel or Rachel.... Maybe Nikki... this one i just found online
36. Who do you cry with? *funny look* i dont cry... err.. in front of people..... err... often


37. Cried: err... noooooo... AHH... i lie.... yes
38. Cut your hair: no
39. Worn a skirt: no
40. Been mean: hasnt everyone
41. Been sarcastic: and this you ask the queen of sarcasm?
42. Talked to someone you have a crush on: actually yes... ;)
43. Missed someone: yea... *thinks about them for a minute*
44. Hugged someone: probably
45. Fought with your parents: well... probably... I'm sure I at least got snotty with her
46. Wished upon a star: no
47. Laughed until you cried: again,I cant remember but probably
48. Played Truth or Dare: no
49. Watched a sunrise/sunset: no
50. Went to the beach at night: no (i would love to tho)
51. Read a book for fun: no
52. Ate a meal: dumb dumb DUMB question... OF COURSE
53. Are you lonely? most of the time
54. Are you happy: what is happy?
55. Are you talking to someone online: didnt you already ask that?


56. God/Devil: Yes
57. Love: yea... I just wish I had it...
58. The Closet Monster: hehe... he's pretty cool.... actually comes chat with me at night sometimes.... err... i mean no
59. The Big Bang Theory: no... I love science... but that is one this i beg to differ with
60. Heaven/Hell: yes
61. Superstitions: I'm not superstitous... but... who knows?!


62. What is your full name? Rachel Laine Odom
63. Who named you?: my mom and dad... HA... bet you woulda never guessed
64. When was the last time you showered? yesturday... I'll probably take another before the end of the say *is not smelly thank you!*
65. What was the the last thing that you said online? um... to someone? I left Will a message telling him thanks for leaving me a message and call me sometime
66. What is right next to you?: in what direction?
67. What is your computer desk made of? um... wood....
68. What was the last thing that you ate? a cheese potato from Wendy's last night for supper
69. What is your favorite state?: Florida... I WILL live there one day!!
70. Where do you want to go on your honeymoon? Hawaii or Europe
71. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? well... when I find him I'll be sure to let everyone know
72. How many buddies do you have on your list: 26 on AIM and I dunno how many on Yahoo
73. How's the weather right now? chilly.... its startin to feel a little like autumn! LOL
74. What did you do last night? well, I watched some tv with mom, went to my room and watched the simpsons, talked to a friend on the phone... and the passed out while simpsons was still on
75. What's the best thing that you find about the opposite sex? the way they get all protective... even tho i dont need it *wink* its nice to be held and protected by someone who cares
76. Favorite hair color in the opposite sex: I dont really have a fav.... but I have noticed I seem to be partial to med and dark hair....
77. Pizza or ice cream?: pizza makes me sick and ice cream hurts my poor teeth... BUT pizza is so yummy that sometimes i dont care.... and so i eat ice cream afterwards cause it settles the pizza down in my tummy
78. How do YOU eat an Oreo? i dont
79. Dream car? a silver vette
80. What do you want to be when you grow up? I'm pretty much already grown.... and i STILL dont really know
81. What are your future goals? well... I want so much... but my main goal is just to have a happy loving marriage and family and to be able to live comfortably and look back on my life when i am old and grey and be proud of myself and say i had fun
82. Favorite music? i listen to everything but my favs are rock and techno
83. Favorite movies? oooohhhh... hard question... I love movies
84. Favorite days of this year? my birthday.... I get to finally leave the teens behind
85. Least favorite time of this year: probably this past Easter (it was in this year!) mainly just because Dustin would insist it was my fav and that irritates me at times.....
86. Fast or slow? fast... always fast (speed demon)
87. Are you too shy to ask someone out? if it means anything to you i wish i wasnt
88. If you could change your name, what would it be? hmm... not positive... something a little less common
89. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? i used to, but no, not anymore
90. Have you ever been in love? puppy love
91. Are you in love right now? no
92. What will your first sons name be? I like Noah Andrew
93. Do you like scary or happy movies better? scary
94. Lust or Love? lust is fun, but love is forever
95. Do you consider cheerleading a sport? yes... i actually used to be one in middle school
96. Do you want your friends to do this survey? nah... but if they want to I wont tell em not too... not like I'm sending it out or anything
97. When's your birthday? November 21
98. Time done? 12:15pm... sorry... easily distracted.... plus i ramble easily
